Linhai UTV blows a 15-amp fuse and won’t turn over – Steps In 2023

Linhai UTVs are known for their durability, reliability, and off-road capabilities. They are designed to withstand rough terrain, and their powerful engines enable them to tackle any challenge.

One of the most common problems that Linhai UTV owners face is when their vehicle blows a 15-amp fuse and won’t turn over.

You can take a number of actions to resolve the problem. Begin by checking the fuse and testing the battery. Inspect the starter motor and fuel pump relay for any issues. If you identify the faulty component, replace it, and then replace the blown fuse with a new one.

In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this problem and the steps you can take to fix it.

Possible Causes of a Blown 15-amp Fuse:

Faulty Starter Motor:

A faulty starter motor is the most common cause of a blown 15-amp fuse in a Linhai UTV. The starter motor is responsible for turning the engine over when the ignition switch is turned on.

If the starter motor is faulty, it can draw too much current from the battery, causing the 15-amp fuse to blow.

Dead Battery:

Another possible cause of a blown 15-amp fuse in a Linhai UTV is a dead battery. If the battery is not providing enough power to the starter motor, it can cause the motor to draw too much current, resulting in a blown fuse.

You can also use a multimeter to check the voltage of the battery. The voltage should be around 12.6 volts. If the voltage is lower than that, the battery may die, and you may need to recharge or replace it.

Faulty Fuel Pump Relay:

Another possible cause of a blown 15-amp fuse in a Linhai UTV is a faulty fuel pump relay. The fuel pump relay is responsible for controlling the fuel pump’s operation. If the relay is faulty, it can cause a short circuit, resulting in a blown fuse.

Overloaded electrical system;

An overloaded electrical system is one of the most common causes of a fuse blown in a Linhai UTV.

When too many electrical components are being used at once, it can cause a surge of electrical current that can blow a fuse. It can be caused by using too many accessories at once or by an issue with the wiring or electrical system.

Short circuit:

A short circuit in the wiring or electrical system can also cause a blown fuse in your Linhai UTV. Damaged or frayed wires, corroded connections, or other issues with the electrical system can cause it.

Incorrect fuse rating:

Using the incorrect fuse rating can also cause a blown 15-amp fuse in your Linhai UTV. Using a fuse with too low or too high of an amp rating can cause the fuse to blow.

Steps to Fix a Blown 15-amp Fuse in a Linhai UTV:

Step 1: Check the Battery:

The first step in fixing a blown 15-amp fuse in your Linhai UTV is to check the battery. Verify that the battery is in good shape and completely charged. Check the battery terminals to ensure they are tight and free from corrosion.

If the battery is not fully charged or has a low charge, try charging it or jump-starting the UTV to see if that solves the problem.

Step 2: Inspect the Starter Motor:

If the battery is in good condition and fully charged, the next step is to inspect the starter motor. The starter motor is responsible for turning over the engine when you turn the key in the ignition switch. If the starter motor is faulty, it may draw too much power and cause the 15-amp fuse to blow.

To check the starter motor, remove it from the UTV and inspect it for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Check the starter solenoid for any signs of damage or corrosion.

You can also test the starter motor directly by connecting it to a fully charged battery. If the starter motor spins when connected to the battery, it’s likely not the cause of the blown fuse.

Step 3: Check the Ignition Switch:

If the battery and starter motor are in good condition, the next step is to check the ignition switch. The ignition switch sends power to the starter motor and other UTV’s electrical system components. A damaged or faulty ignition switch can cause the 15-amp fuse to blow.

To check the ignition switch, use a multimeter to test the switch for continuity. If the switch is not functioning correctly, it must be replaced.

Step 4: Inspect the Fuel Pump Relay:

The fuel pump relay sends power to the pump when the ignition switch is turned on. If the fuel pump relay is faulty, it may draw too much power and cause the 15-amp fuse to blow.

To check the fuel pump relay, locate it in the UTV’s electrical system and inspect it for any signs of damage or wear and tear. You can also test the relay using a multimeter to check for continuity. If the relay is not functioning correctly, it must be replaced.

Step 5: Replace the Blown Fuse:

After identifying the faulty component, replace it, and then replace the blown 15-amp fuse with a new one. Be sure to use the correct amp rating for the fuse. If the fuse continues to blow, a more serious underlying issue may need to be addressed.

Step 6: Test the UTV:

Once you have replaced the blown fuse and the faulty component, it’s time to test your Linhai UTV. Turn the ignition switch to the “on” position and attempt to start the engine. If the engine starts and runs smoothly, you have successfully fixed the problem.

If the engine still won’t turn over or the fuse blows again, you may need to seek the assistance of a professional mechanic or take your UTV to a Linhai UTV dealer for further diagnosis and repair.

Preventing Future Fuse Blowouts:

Use the Correct Fuses:

One of the primary reasons for fuse blowouts is using the wrong type of fuse. To prevent future fuse blowouts, use the correct amp rating for the fuses in your Linhai UTV.

Using a fuse with a higher amp rating than recommended can cause damage to the electrical system, leading to blown fuses. Always refer to the owner’s manual to ensure you use the correct fuse type for your UTV.

Clean Battery Terminals:

Dirty or corroded battery terminals can cause resistance and draw more power from the electrical system, leading to blown fuses. To prevent this issue, it is crucial to regularly clean your battery terminals.

Use a wire brush or sandpaper to remove corrosion or buildup on the terminals. Once clean, ensure the terminals are tightened properly to prevent any looseness that may cause electrical issues.

Check Wiring Connections:

Loose or damaged wiring connections can cause power surges and blow fuses. Regularly inspect wiring connections and tighten or replace them to prevent this issue.

It’s essential to check wiring connections regularly, especially if you frequently use your UTV off-road or in harsh conditions. Exposure to moisture, dust, and dirt can cause wiring connections to become loose or corroded, leading to electrical issues.

Store Your UTV Properly:

How you store your Linhai UTV can also impact its electrical system’s health. Exposure to moisture or extreme temperatures can damage the electrical system, leading to blown fuses. To prevent this issue, storing your UTV in a dry, sheltered area is crucial.

If you must store it outside, ensure it is covered to protect it from the elements. Also, ensure that the UTV is parked on a flat surface and that the parking brake is engaged to prevent any accidental movements.


If your Linhai UTV blows a 15-amp fuse and won’t turn over, it can be caused by various factors such as a faulty starter motor, dead battery, damaged ignition switch, or faulty fuel pump relay. The first step is to check the battery voltage and ensure it’s fully charged or replaced.

Moving on to the starter motor and ignition switch to ensure they function correctly. Finally, checking the fuel pump relay and replacing it if it’s faulty can help solve the issue of the blown 15-amp fuse.

You can identify the problem and take the necessary steps to fix it by performing a few simple tests and troubleshooting steps.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the purpose of the 15-amp fuse in a Linhai UTV?

The 15-amp fuse is a safety device that protects the electrical system of a Linhai UTV by breaking the circuit and preventing electrical damage in case of an overload or short circuit.

2. What happens if the 15-amp fuse blows in my Linhai UTV?

If the 15-amp fuse blows in your Linhai UTV, the electrical system will be disrupted, and the vehicle may not start or function properly. It can cause various issues, such as the engine not turning over or the lights not working.

3. Can a blown 15-amp fuse cause other electrical issues in my Linhai UTV?

Yes, a blown 15-amp fuse can cause other electrical issues in your Linhai UTV, such as the lights not working, the horn not functioning, or the engine not starting. It’s essential to address the underlying issue causing the blown fuse to prevent further electrical issues.

4. Can I test the 15-amp fuse in my Linhai UTV with a multimeter?

You can test the 15-amp fuse in your Linhai UTV with a multimeter to determine if it has blown. It can be a useful tool in troubleshooting electrical issues.

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